How much do you charge?
85cent per square feet for the first 2000sft and 70 cent thereafter. -60 cent per square feet for all Gov agencies under my GSA pricing.
How many coats of wax do you apply?
3 coats of wax is standard with price. Any coats over 3 will be 5 cent per square foot.
What if my floors has a build up of old wax?
We will do an abrasive stripping the first time and if the floors require additional stripping to get all the wax off we will charge an additional fee, normally 10cent per square feet.
What is Carpet Care vs Carpet Cleaning?
Carpet Care is bonneting carpet to get spots off floor and maintain a cleaned carpet surface. Carpet Cleaning is the actual deep cleaning of the carpet over all.
How long do it take?
2000 or less square feet can take 8 hrs or less depending on if furniture has to be moved and the number of coats of wax you want on floor. Also it depends on how much build up of old wax is on the floor which requires additional stripping.
Are there any additional cost for supplies?
No, our prices are very economical and competitive because labor, tools and supplies are inclusive to our pricing.
Do you clean carpet?
Yes, We also clean by square feet. Cost also depends on staircases to be cleaned.